One Page Fast Guide

Quick 1 Page MN Setup Instructions

First Steps Monitor Your Masternode


This is a quick and dirty cheat sheet guide meant for those already familiar with Masternode setup, or if you already have a $Pac Masternode and just want to get it done quickly. It assumes you already know the basics of setting up your ssh keys and navigating the $Pac Desktop wallet

  • 1. Enable Masternode Tab in your Desktop Wallet: Tools -> Options/Preferences -> Show Masternode Tab. Restart Desktop Wallet.
  • 2. Generate Masternode Private Key: Tools -> Debug Console. Enter the following:
Generate Masternode Private Key
masternode genkey

Copy the key generated into your text editor

  • 3. Collateralize Masternode: Create a unique Receive Address (e.g. “MyMN1”, “MyMN2”, etc), and copy this address to your standby text editor. Each MN you own needs its own unique address.

  • 4. Send exactly 500K $Pac to the address you generated above. Wait for 15 confirmations.

  • 5. Get your output: Tools -> Debug Console, type the following:

Display Collateral Tx Id
masternode outputs

You will see a line for each masternode’s 500K collateral, so if this is your second MN, you will see 2 lines. Copy the new line to your text editor (or the single line if this is your first MN).

  • 6. Edit the output string in your standby text editor. Remove all double quotes, and make sure there is a space between the end 0 or 1. It should look something like the following in your text editor:
a89rhtuyf23jd84120942acce447830aa83lkdl3k39s73m 1
  • 7. Create a new VPS instance and choose Ubuntu 16.04 and the $5/mo plan. Set your ssh keys, set the hostname to the same name as your Receive address in step 3, e.g. “MyMN2” and deploy your instance. Select your VPS and copy its IP Address into your text editor.

  • 8. Log into your VPS instance via ssh.

  • 9. Add Swap Space

Add Swap Space
sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile && chmod 600 /swapfile && mkswap /swapfile && swapon /swapfile && echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab && free -h
  • 10. Install $Pac Masternode Script
$Pac MN Installer (click copy icon)
wget && chmod +x && ./

Enter your MN IP Address and Private Key when prompted.

  • 11. Install $Pac MN Service
wget && chmod +x add-systemd-from-script && ./add-systemd-from-script
  • 12. Verify Sync, wait for AssetID to get to 999
$Pac SystemD Service (click copy icon)
./paccoin-cli mnsync status
  • 13. Edit the masternode.conf file on your Desktop Wallet. Use a new line with MN alias, IP Address :7112, Masternode Private Key, Collateral Output and Index, all separated by spaces as shown below:

  • 14. Save the masternode.conf file and close your text editor. Restart your $Pac Desktop wallet to apply the changes.

  • 15. Click the Masternode tab, select your MN, then choose Start Alias button on bottom.

  • 16. Verify the status on your VPS:

Check MN Status
./paccoin-cli masternode status

Make sure that the status says “Masternode successfully started”.

Your Masternode is now up and running! The next step is to Monitor Your Masternode and collect rewards.

Questions or comments? Head over to the $Pac Masternode Group at PacLyfe!